



“I want I need a summer vacation some where near the beach just like those two people!” I implored pointing at a picture of a couple staring placidly at the sea

It must be some where in France I mused

“No!”said my mom “Rita you cannot because there is no money

to pay for such exotic fun !”

“YEAH mum you are right”!I said, tears trickling down my cheeks

I slammed the blighted door and brought pen to paper

dear diary, I began

what a plight all they spent their time was on arguments and fights and spirituality but not on the basic joys and the most important thing on this planet EARNING MONEY…

obsessed they were on each others faults BUT not the strengths of each other

A vacation I will have by earning one for myself

free no longer dependent on them(mum&dad)

thus I closed the book.

148 words

This week’s photo prompt is provided by Louise with The Storyteller’s Abode. Thank you Louise!


fffaw link -https://wordpress.com/read/feeds/33797404/posts/1468347444


7 thoughts on “A SUMMER VACATION

  1. I saw the photo and thought that’s where I’d like to be too! Nicely done.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. nothing comes free and vacation too has to be earned. a very different take on the picture prompt.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. They’ve got the right idea. If they want a holiday, better to earn the money for it themselves. Nicely done. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  4. There is a lot of truth in there! Great take on the prompt.
    Sands of Time
    Annie at ~McGuffy’s Reader~

    Liked by 1 person

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